Voices of Hope Productions - Social Issue Documentary Video Production


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  • mission
    meet the president
    volunteer opportunities
    support voices

    short grassroots videos
    feature documentaries

    about campaigns
    issue advertising

    grassroots campaign
    fundraising event
    advocacy campaign
    nonprofit website
    corporate philanthropy
    nonprofit media kit
    youth drinking campaign
    cause marketing event
    corporate ad campaign
    foundation logo
    theatre arts marketing
    cause marketing
    nonprofit e-marketing
    print PSA campaign

    > NEWS
    voices blog
    |THE EYE| e-Zine
    media news
    festivals/media events
    media trends
    media news archive
    contributor stories
    voices interviews
    pop culture test

    voices interviews

    youth media
    skills/learning areas
    youth resources
    support youth media

    media policy
    get involved
    policy resources


    Voices of Hope Productions
    is a creative services and multimedia production company specializing in social marketing, issue advertising and public affairs programming. We work with corporations, nonprofit and government agencies to build social and cause marketing campaigns through a wide-range of media and video production options including: 15 and 30 second public service announcements (PSAs) short and feature-length documentaries and internet streaming video, e-marketing, as well as traditional print communications and advertising. Our projects and programs speak to such issues as social justice, public education, policy, grassroots advocacy, media literacy, civic pride and engagement, youth, sex, substance abuse, violence, learning, love, and life in America. Voices of Hope Productions broadcast-quality media distribution includes: television, radio, streaming video on the Internet, community screenings, fundraising meetings and presentations, conferences, schools, workshops and film festivals.

    How Partnering With Voices of Hope Productions
    Can Benefit Your Organization

    • Short and Feature Length Social Issue Documentaries
    • Strategic Marketing Communication and Design
    • Grassroots Outreach and Advocacy
    • Cause Marketing and Corporate Sponsored Partnerships
    • Educating & Informing the General Public
    • Drive more traffic to your Web site
    • TV, Radio and Print Public Service Campaigns
    • Fundraising and Maintaining Major Donors
    • Recruiting Volunteers & Supporters
    • Educational Training and Workshops
    • Special Event Presentations
    • Web Site Streaming Video
    • Cell Phone Content
    • Podcasts

    Why Should Your Organization Develop Strategic
    Media Plans and Create a Short Video Story?

    Your strategic media plans are an essential and effective investment in development and fundraising, recruiting, sustainability, training, outreach and public relations—powerful tools for awareness, engagement and social change. When budgeted, managed and measured properly your organization’s media and marketing can bring an amazing return on the investment. The perception about using these new media tools is that they are too expensive, or time intensive. But, Voices of Hope Productions will help your organization grow its investment in these tools, economically, effectively and with the ability to scale your efforts in a way that’s comfortable to your organization, both in cost and time.

    Compelling Documentary Videos and
    Public Service Announcements

    In cinéma vérité documentary style, Voices of Hope Productions combines video footage, live interviews, print support material, still photographs, press clippings, graphics and music, to ensure your story will be told in an inspirational educational and engaging way. Nothing tells an organization’s mission more powerfully than the voices of the people who are passionately involved in its cause.

    Your Issues and Messages in the Media
    Voices of Hope Productions
    will tell your story using a combination of media aimed precisely at those who need to hear, see, sense, and be moved by your message(s). With top-notch skills, we also develop traditional marketing initiatives; social marketing and brand identity, brochures, posters and print issue advertising. By combining media and the Internet, Voices of Hope Productions will take your message to a new level. In years to come digital media distribution will be the main means of creating greater awareness of social issues and needs. These messages will soon be seen on cell phones and PDAs. Now is the time to think about how to utilize the ever-changing new media landscape to create awareness of your important social issues.

    Thinking Critically
    Voices of Hope Productions also prepares children and educators for living and learning in a comprehensive media-rich culture by helping them to think critically while translating media into practical information, by means of training and educational tools for teachers, youth leaders, parents and caregivers of children. We coach educators and youth on how to better access, analyze, evaluate, and create media messages.

    Advocacy Brings Volume to Your Voice
    Voices of Hope Productions encourages each of us to find our own voice, to make informed decisions, and to advocate for our own personal beliefs and convictions. We believe that people are duty-bound not only to themselves, but also to society, to become impassioned in their convictions, to advocate for truth, justice and equality, and to ensure their voice is heard. As public dollars and programs diminish, more individuals, grassroots organizations and institutions must increase contact with federal, state, and local governments.


    VISIT THE VOICES OF HOPE BLOG, |THE EYE| to get the latest info on films, events, workshops and all-things media and pop culture with a socio-political point of view.


    Partner with Voices of Hope Productions to market your message, develop your documentary video story, or advocate for your cause. You can be assured we will work with you to raise awareness of your organization, and build resources to bring about positive and lasting change-one story at a time.



    "The first thing to keep in mind, is that your objective is not to make a 'TV show' or a 'show' of any kind. You are collecting evidence; you are encouraging witness; you are emboldening ordinary people to 'go public.'"

    George Stoney from forward in
    Turn on the Power! Using Media for









    © 2025-2007
    Voices of Hope Productions
    New Jersey