|THE EYE| is published regularly to announce the latest news about Voices of Hope films, programs, workshops, industry events and broadcasts. If your email is text only
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Social Entreprenuership
What is a Social Entreprenuer? The job of a social entrepreneur is to recognize when a part of society is stuck and to provide new ways to get it unstuck. He or she finds what is not working and solves the problem by changing the system, spreading the solution and persuading entire societies to take new leaps. Source: Ashoka
The New Heroes,
a new
series on PBS hosted by Robert Redford tells the stories of 12 social entreprenuers who are solving social problems around the globe. These inspiring people are using their altruistic values and business acumen to transform society.
Case Study:The Price of Commercial Success
Minnesota Public Radio: Social Purpose Capitalism
What factors contribute to a nonprofit’s ability to build for-profit ventures?
How can a nonprofit best use earned income to advance its social mission?
What are the challenges and dilemmas of social entrepreneurship?
<<Read Case Study>>
NJ Seeds SEEDS is an academic enrichment and leadership development program aimed at eliminating social and economic barriers for high-achieving, low-income youth. SEEDS seeks to prepare qualified students for placement at competitive day and boarding schools and to empower students to live lives of leadership, professional accomplishment, and service to the community. NJ Seeds currently runs a scholars program open to eligble to 7th graders, young scholars program for eligble 4th graders, and alumni program for SEEDS graduates.
1. What does the word "karaoke" mean in Japanese?
a. Singing fool
b. Empty orchestra
c. Full house
d. Melodious sounds
e. I don't know
2. What year was Diet Coke invented?
a. 1965
b. 1971
c. 1982
d. 1990
3. Out of the 14 Keebler elves, who is the head baker?
a. Eddie
b. Zack
c. Ernie
d. Ma Keebler
4. The word "nerd" was first coined by whom?
a. Dr. Seuss
b. Mickey Mouse
c. Mick Jagger
d. Andy Warhol
Answers to Pop Quiz below.
Voices of Hope is interested in hearing your voice. Our projects and programs speak to such issues as public education, volunteering, advocacy, media literacy, civic pride and engagement, youth, sex, substance abuse, violence, policy, learning, love, and life in America. Please share your thoughts, opinions and experiences. We make films that deal with issues, ideas and change and believe that collaboratively we can all spread a little HOPE.
1. b
2. c
3. c
4. a |
Every action starts with an idea followed by the intention to take action upon that idea. The Reverend Martin Luther King Junior felt his purpose and passion was ingrained in him. He felt it in his core. He behaved in the manner that reflected his beliefs, and he dreamed of a day when people would be judged by the “content of their character, and not the color of their skin.” Success comes only after a conscious decision is made to achieve/create something.
We all can create the power and passion to become brilliant human beings. Yet, unfortunately, at times we spend our days focusing on what we can't do, who we can't be, the challenges we can’t overcome and the dreams we can't find the way to achieve. The answer lies in our intent be in touch with our inner selves, to feel good and stay inspired. This is the fundamental nature of the power of intention. Who we are, and who we want to be does not always coincide with who we are meant to be. Yet, if we believe that there is a source larger and greater than ourselves, we are also likely to believe there is a purpose to our life. This could be a personal purpose, one that we have chosen to meditate over and committed ourselves to work towards, or this could be a collective purpose, where we galvanize others into action. Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of The Power of Intention reminds us, "Just watch babies. They're in a constant state of love. How could they possibly be so joyful? Because they're in harmony with the source. They have no resistance to being joyful - unlike adults. You didn't come forth into this world to suffer, to be anxious, fearful or depressed. Remember, your thoughts, not your world, cause you stress. And you can change your thoughts." As Kurt Vonegut said: “We are here to help each other get through this thing — whatever it is.”
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world, indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead
>>>>ON MEDIA >>>> 5 VOICES
Book: The Rhythm of Life: Living Every Day with Passion and Purpose - Matthew Kelly, the charismatic minister, speaker and best-selling author from down under, wants you to live life out loud and on purpose. In this expanded version of The Rhythm of Life he syntheses Christian theology, cognitive psychology and storytelling to unpack the paradox of being happy. As Kelly explains, "We want to be happy. We know what makes us happy. But we don't do those things— because we are busy trying to be happy." So here's the gospel according to Kelly: Find a life-changing rhythm by choosing a central purpose and becoming "the best version of yourself." |
Website: Justice Learning - Justice Learning is an innovative, issue-based approach for engaging high school students in informed political discourse. The web site uses audio from the Justice Talking radio show and articles from The New York Times to teach students about reasoned debate and the often-conflicting values inherent in our democracy. The web site includes articles, editorials and oral debate from the nation's finest journalists and advocates. In addition, for each covered issue, the site includes curricular material from The New York Times Learning Network for high school teachers and detailed information about how each of the institutions of democracy (the courts, the Congress, the presidency, the press and the schools) affect the issue. Look for the indepth Constitution Guide.
Audio: BarlowGirls - An all-girl band (three sisters) with a strong message specifically for girls, but applicable for anyone, about the battle with pressures from peers and society to confirm.
TV: Brat Camp (Wednesdays from 9:00-10:00 p.m., ET. on ABC) Not necessarily the most positive name for a TV reality show about troubled teens, but interesting nontheless. What would you do with a teen who curses at you, breaks the law and doesn't listen to anything you say? That's the dilemma facing nine families dealing with out-of-control teenagers - whose ages range from 14-17 -- and with issues from ADHD to drugs, promiscuity and fights, in the new reality series Brat Camp. Brat Camp takes place at SageWalk, The Wilderness School -- a therapeutic wilderness program in Oregon that serves as an intense intervention program for troubled teens between the ages of 13 and 17 who may be experiencing emotional, academic, and/or behavioral problems.
Magazine: Yes! - Each issue of YES! focuses on a theme, showing the possibilities and practical steps that can lead us all to a more positive future. In each issue you also find book reviews, practical advice for living more sustainably, the page that counts, special features, columns, and short "indicators."
Women's Messages In the Media: Analyze This!
The most significant development of the last few decades has been the
growing role and importance of electronic media, particularly TV and
Internet. The ability to critically deconstruct and understand the
is an essential skill in today's world. Come out to the Black Box Women's Festival in Asbury Park to analyze and discuss how
media portrays women: Commercials, advertising, magazines, music
books to the Internet. Get ready to learn and be fascinated. Tickets $5 Details will be published in the next newsletter.
Voices of Hope designs and delivers custom programs that involve one-time events or workshops to reach and teach educators, parents and adults interested in media education and the effects of media on our culture. Voices of Hope offers:
- In-service events for high school teachers, from a variety of disciplines, focusing on core principles of media literacy and manners of integration into the high school curriculum.
- Keynote addresses to youth, teachers, parents, and caregivers on a variety of topics relating to the media.
- Full-day staff development for school districts on the complex topic of violence in the media tailored to grade levels: middle school or high school.
If you are looking for new, innovative ways to educate your students relating to a variety of disciplines, contact Voices of Hope about organizing a Media Literacy Workshop at your local school or after school program. Look for more information about our media literacy workshops in upcoming newsletters.
Do you know a youth who has made a video about a social issue? —How are they going to get their video seen? Start with the web.
There's a huge opportunity to get youth media out there and seen through the internet. Video distribution is not easy, but with some persistence and knowing the right outlets, youth voices have an opportunity to make an impact. Start here:
YMDi provides information and tools that are essential to increasing the visibility of youth made media. Add films, videos, radio projects, digital stories, flash animations, interactive websites, docs, fiction, satires, comedies, all of it! Apply to contests. |
OURMEDIA | Create. Share. Get noticed. That's what Ourmedia is about.
Ourmedia is a global community and learning center where you can gain visibility for your works of personal media. Video blogs, photo albums, home movies, podcasting, digital art, documentary journalism, home-brew political ads, music videos, audio interviews, digital storytelling, children's tales, Flash animations, student films, mash-ups — all kinds of digital works have begun to flourish as the Internet rises up alongside big media as a place where we’ll gather to inform, entertain and astound each other.
CURRENT | Current is the first national network created by, for and with an 18-34 year-old audience. The channel will show young adults what’s going on in their world, in their voice. With a substantial portion of the network’s content provided by the audience, it is also the first network in history whose programming is supplied in part by the very audience who watches it. Current’s short-form programming will range from the hottest trends in technology, fashion, music and videogames, to pressing issues such as the environment, relationships, parenting, finance, politics and spirituality. Current will launch into an initial 20 million U.S. homes on DirecTV, Time Warner Cable and Comcast.
>>>> Take a Kid to a Beer: How the NCAA Recruits Kids for the Beer Market
The Campaign for Alcohol-Free Sports TV, a project of CSPI, recently released a report on the National Collegiate Athletic Association's (NCAA) efforts to build brand loyalty among young people in order to get them interested in sports and to boost the attractiveness of NCAA telecasts to advertisers. Since those recruitment efforts may deliver more and more young viewers to Anheuser-Busch and other beer marketers which advertise heavily on college sports, the Campaign is urging the NCAA to eliminate all beer ads from its broadcasts. <<Get the Report>> |
The persuasive, potent power of an exquisite, rich, brilliant
image, the irresistible lure of mysterious, enigmatic text
intertwined with color, light, shape and shadow, enchanting,
delightful designs that dance before you, drawing you into
a different world, disclosing diverse possibilities that you
had never before imagined, opening your mind to thoughts,
ideas, objects, and events in which you may want to invest
your time, energy or money... this, which is the theory behind
both education and good teaching, is also the theory behind
good advertising. It moves you, bringing you into a space of
new and novel offerings where resourceful methods, enticing
embellishments, and bold innovations beckon. It is the art of
reading, reckoning with, and revising the interests, needs and
desires of a particular public. Like the language of yore, it
is the art of predicting the populace, arresting the attention
of crowds, delivering a message that will entice, enchant,
enrapture and, yes, ultimately sell. This, of course, requires a
discerning eye, a sensitive ear, and a subtle sense for the suitable
moment. <<Read Article>>
Laura Matthews, Source: Christian Science Monitor | We read a lot of alarmist commentary about the dangers of the Internet for youngsters. How it puts kids at risk, erodes social skills, lays traps for the unwary and innocent, and contributes to the long slow spiral into illiteracy. Yet, the educational benefits of online access are worth it. Yes, parents have to be vigilant. But the opportunities for communication and self-expression the Internet provides are bringing benefits to everyone - especially children. <<Read Article>>
Voices of Hope Productions is dedicated to educate and invoke social change through documentary filmmaking and media literacy.
Voices of Hope Productions—Leaving a Legacy within our Lifetime...
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