Voices of Hope Productions, LLC, a women-owned documentary production company located in New Jersey develops and directs community projects, programs and workshops that speak to such issues as media literacy education, civic pride and engagement, youth video production, sex, substance abuse, violence, learning, love, and life in America.
Are you integrating media into your existing curriculum?
Voices of Hope Productions is your Media Education partner in developing solid teachable moments.
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Voices of Hope
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“You shouldn’t have to wait until you go to college to learn how to critically analyze the media. You should be able to start learning that in fourth grade, or seventh grade, or tenth grade.”
Renee Hobbs |
Analyze This!: Socio-Political Messages in the Media
Do your students possess the tools to critically analyze the media that our society is perpetually barraged with?
Friday, October 14, 2025 | 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Clearview, Red Bank Art Cinema
36 White Street, Red Bank, NJ
In collaboration with The Freedom Film Society's Red Bank
International Film Festival, Emerging Filmmaker
series, Voices of Hope Productions will be hosting a
two-hour Media Education workshop for students throughout New Jersey. Bring your classes to
discuss the socio-political issues that face today’s
youth. We will critically analyze socially-relevant
short films, some youth created, and some critically
acclaimed. We will deconstruct television commercials,
radio podcasts, and discuss journalism and the
internet. Voices of Hope Productions will lead a
discussion, engage students about their opinions on
the social issues posed and issues they see in their
own communities, encouraging dailogue among all
The 2 hour workshop will address the following Core
Curriculum Standards:
• Social Studies 6.2 Civics: Civic Life, Politics, and
Government • American Values and Principles • The
Constitution and American Democracy • Citizenship • International Education: Global Challenges, Cultures,
and Connections
• Language Arts Literacy 3.1 Reading: • Concepts
About Print • Decoding and Word Recognition • Fluency • E. Reading Strategies (before, during, and after
reading) • Vocabulary and Concept Development •
Comprehension Skills and Response to Text • Inquiry
and Research
• Language Arts Literacy 3.3 Speaking: Discussion •
Questioning (Inquiry) and Contributing • Word Choice •
Oral Presentation
• Language Arts Literacy 3.4 Listening: Active
Listening • Listening Comprehension
• Language Arts Literacy 3.5 Viewing and Media
Literacy: Constructing Meaning • Visual and Verbal
Messages • Living with Media
Seating is limited.
Afternoon session
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
$5 per student
Transportation not included.
Bring brown bag lunches to be enjoyed in the Red Bank Marine Park by the beautiful Navasink River, a short walking distance from the theatre.
Please contact Voices of Hope today to schedule your school for this important workshop. Phone 201.320.4920 or 908.500.6925. |
The New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for Social Studies states: "Citizen participation in government is essential in forming this nation’s democracy, and is vital in sustaining it. Social studies education promotes loyalty and love of country
and it prepares students to participate intelligently in public affairs. Its component disciplines foster in students the knowledge and skills needed to make sense
of current political and social issues."
Voices of Hope Productions works with educators, students, parents and caregivers to help students discuss history, government and politics and learn to contribute to national, state and local decision-making. Students will also develop an active awareness and commitment to the rights and
responsibilities of citizenship, a tolerance for those with whom they disagree, and an understanding of the greater world.
The Supreme Court of New Jersey underscored the role of the social studies in fulfilling the state’s obligation to offer all children a “thorough and efficient education” with these words: "Thorough and efficient (education) means being able to fulfill
one’s role as a citizen, a role that encompasses far more than merely registering to vote. It means the ability to participate fully in society, in the life of one’s community, the ability to appreciate music, art, and literature, and the ability to share all that
with friends." --Abbott v. Burke 119 NJ 287, pp. 363-364 (1990)
Voices of Hope Productions is dedicated to educate and invoke social change through documentary filmmaking and media literacy.
Voices of Hope Productions—Leaving a Legacy within our Lifetime...
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